Thrive Family Counselling Sessions

sherwood park & edmonton, alberta

Every person struggles with problems differently on an individual level. Outside help in the form of counselling can be a great source of help in dealing with these issues. There are times when the problems are not individually rooted. They stem from, or are caused by, challenging family dynamics. These types of conflicts are best resolved by familial intervention, a method of improving communications and interactions among the family members who are involved.


Family counselling seeks to improve the interactions among members of a family or similar close relationship in order to improve their functioning both as a unit and as individuals. Family counselling looks to include every member of the family in order to identify the source of distress and eliminate it in the least confrontational way possible. It can involve parents, siblings, and maternal or paternal cousins, uncles, aunts, and even grandparents.


The goal of family counselling is to help family members solve family problems and conflicts through improved communication, greater awareness of childhood and teen issues, and better understanding of special family situations. Examples of special family situations are separation, divorce, remarriage, serious illness, death in the family, etc.

Thrive offers several excellent family counselling specialists who would be delighted to help your family with their needs.