teen sports psychology
Mental wellness is a key component of athletic ability and success. Athlete & Sport Performance therapy will support your teen to improve their overall performance and achieve their sports or physical health goals. Athlete & Sport Performance therapy uses psychological skills & strategies to enhance the wellbeing of your teen throughout their fitness journey. Our trained therapists will work with your teen to cope with mental and emotional barriers that may interfere with enjoyment and performance.
HOW CAN Athlete & sport performance THERAPY HELP MY TEEN?
Increase self-confidence. Building up your teens beliefs about their skills and ability is the first step in creating a confident athlete. Often times, low confidence can lead to low performance. Our skilled therapists will work with your teen to increase their confidence level.
Reduce performance anxiety. Stress, worry, and nervousness about performing well in sports can lead to performance anxiety. Performance anxiety can impact your teens ability to engage in sports to their full potential. It can also lead to a decrease in the enjoyment of the sport. The therapists at Thrive will work with your teen to identify ways to decrease their anxiety around performance and expectations.
Support the development of coping skills around injuries and setbacks. Setbacks and injuries can happen. Increasing your teens resiliency can reduce the impact of setbacks and injuries on your teens mental wellbeing and have your teen back in the game sooner. Our team will work with your teen to develop coping strategies that support a healthy return to the game.
Improve focus and concentration. Concentration and focus are keys to success in athletics. Being able to block out distraction is important for athletes. The therapists at thrive will work with your teen to develop skills to increase concentration and focus both off and on the field, court, or stage!
Support the development of coping skills for stress, pressure & expectations. Thoughts and emotions around pressure and expectations can work against your teen Our performance specialist will work with your teen to develop coping strategies that support the management of the thoughts and emotions impacting their sports performance.
Regardless of skill level, our skilled therapists tailor their approach to meet the needs of your teen. Thrive will work with your teen to develop the mental skills necessary to perform at their best and support your teen in multiple areas of their lives.