The Importance of Self-Awareness

Teenage boy

Stemming from ancient Greek, the idea of "know thyself" is nothing new.

Trending nowadays, however, is a term known as mindfulness. Which is another way to express a lifestyle of existing in the present by being self-aware.

But, why is being self-aware so important?

Can't we all simply live our lives according to the laws of the land and social obligation, then call it a day?

After all, you've likely found that others will gladly rain down judgments on your head without warning. So, you'll undoubtedly know whether or not you're living up to certain social or legal standards.

However, being self-aware is more than fitting into a social mold or staying out of legal trouble. Here are four reasons why self-awareness matters for your life.

1. Aligns Your Life with Your Core Values

Your core values are the things in life that mean the most to you. For some, it's leaving a legacy. Others like to build wealth, help others, or even add value to the arts.

Core values don't typically change throughout a lifetime. Yet, some people fail to take the time for introspection, never learning what really makes them tick. Thus, they miss out on the chance to fundamentally improve the quality of their life.

In other words, they don't "shine" in the land of the living.

But we humans aren't hardwired for humdrum lives without purpose. Self-awareness allows you to locate your own core values. In doing so, you're empowered to know your purpose in life.

Being self-aware, you can align your entire life with your core values so that every single thing you do reflects back to them.

2. Supports Personal Development

Along those same lines, self-awareness gives you the opportunity to mold yourself to be who you want to be.

Unsurprisingly, not all of us were raised in healthy and nurturing environments. By practicing self-awareness, you can often spot your own negative patterns and tendencies.

Recognizing or wanting to recognize these behaviors is the first step. The next is working to change those behaviors. A helpful therapist can be invaluable during this phase of personal development.

Without self-awareness, you may stay stuck in the same harmful patterns your entire life.

3. Promotes Emotional Intelligence

Best-selling author and psychologist Daniel Goleman describes self-awareness as a significant part of emotional intelligence. Essentially, you can't be emotionally intelligent without being self-aware.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and monitor your inner workings. The emotions you feel and how you respond to others play vital roles in your everyday interactions.

Furthermore, your mental health depends heavily on how well you understand yourself on the inside. Do you pay attention to how you feel in different situations? And do you use that emotional blueprint to improve your response?

Those who commit to being emotionally intelligent tend to land better careers, have more relationship satisfaction, and are happier with their lives.

4. Encourages Meaningful Relationships

As mentioned before, relationship satisfaction increases the more emotionally intelligent you are. Clearly, self-awareness helps improve interactions on an everyday level as well as an intimate one.

By switching off your auto-pilot, you enable yourself to live proactively and consciously. You know what you're feeling and you monitor your emotions, functioning from a more holistic existence.

This purposeful living can strengthen your relationships, making them more meaningful. No longer are you threatened by feedback or critique because you know exactly who you are on the inside.

Self-awareness encourages confidence, helping you to be more open-minded and vulnerable. Which, encourages valuable and meaningful relationships in all areas of your life.


For support in practicing self-awareness in your own life, please contact us at 587-480-7359 or

Turning off the auto-pilot can be challenging. We'd love to help!

Teen Therapy