Learn skills & SUPPORT for anxiety, worries, STRONG EMOTIONS & POSITIVE FRIENDSHIPS in a fun, supportive environment

edmonton & SHERWOOD PARK, alberta


thrive coping skills for kids Group will support and help your CHILD:

  • Learn anxiety skills that they can use at school, home and with friends

  • Provide a safe and encouraging space that allows them to express their emotions, feelings and fears

  • Experience feeling included and accepted for exactly who they are so that they can build healthy self-esteem

  • Learn how to build healthy boundaries and friendships with others

  • Learn how to create healthy connections that last, even if they’ve never had a best friend or friend group before

  • Build positive connections with other children their age through group, games, activities, art and music

  • Group led by an experienced Thrive therapist and certified teacher who LOVES working with children!